Concert Sponsorship
We will work with our sponsors to help them have visibility in the community through logo and brand placement in our advertising and promotions.
Sponsors will get exposure to our audience base through our advertising mediums such as:
Social Media (Facebook and Instagram)
Our website and Inlet Theatre website
Posters for individual concerts .
Online and printed event listings
TV Monitor Slide in Inlet Theatre Galleria
On-stage mention at events
Digital Street sign at the corner of Newport Dr and Ioco Rd.
Opportunity to have a Display Table in the Galleria for that event.
Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorship perks will give our sponsors the opportunity to show their positive impact on the local culture and community. Perks to include:
• Complimentary concert tickets
• Sponsorship exclusivity (Each concert to have only one sponsor)
• ‘Sponsored by’ mention in all advertising, by MCs and all promotion for that concert.
• 'Sponsored by' mention in all media releases and other media contacts relating to that concert.
• Your logo on all printed material and on social media for that concert .
• Your brand will be associated with Artists' performances and supportive of Port Moody's theme: "City of the Arts".